I had just launched Bald Dating, the dating site for bald people (or thinning hair) and partners who prefer it that way. Several days after a product launch I search for my brand name or my own name in Google and filter the results to the past 24 hours. This is a quick and easy way to see the reach of a launch and collect a list of media outlets that mentioned the brand. I also repeat this process on Youtube to see which influencers have covered my products.
I found a recording of a live stream that had a segment on Bald Dating by Barry Laminack of Barry on Deck. Within the copy of the Bald Dating homepage is a mention of another site I created called Dinky One (small penis dating). Barry was intrigued by this site and said he would sign up and stream it live in his next video.
I joined the live stream the following day and this is what happened.
Watch the live stream unfold
Use these time stamps to see the key moments during the Youtube live stream.
The video contains adult themes and strong language.
Time stamp
I asked if he has done the Dinky One segment yet.
I say 'I created the site, he doesn't believe me
I ask Barry to hold on (this is whilst I modify the site)
The modification is done, Barry is on the website homepage
I join the stream for a live interview
Could I do it again?
I think in this case everything just worked out, so much could have failed. My original plan was to comment and join the stream chat but I wasn't believed to be genuine. By changing the homepage in real-time was the proof I needed. Although it was a simple text addition I had very limited time. Whilst opening my coding editor I was asking Barry to 'hold on' then I had to type as fast a possible and send the updated file to the web server. I didn't expect to be invited to the stream and this was only possible due to the experience and software that Barry had to enable a Skype call to be patched in.
To some degree, I think it would be possible to do something like this again but it may not be as successful or complete. It's also essential to know in advance that your website is going to be featured in a live stream, and that's difficult.
Gatecrashing Barry's live stream was huge fun and well-received by the host and the viewers. I will definitely take up Barry's invitation to join a future stream when I launch my next controversial dating niche.